

⟨ 夏季新品|花沫烏龍 ⟩ New Products for Summer 2024|Blooming Oolong

花末為蜜 香沫綻韻
隨著品牌創立的第七個夏天來臨,龜記茗品攜手 Gogoro JEGO,隆重推出夏季新品:

⧁ 就是 JEGO 花沫烏龍 𝑁𝑒𝑤
⧁ 就是 JEGO 蜜桃烏龍 𝑁𝑒𝑤
⧁ 就是 JEGO 旺梨四季春 推薦


這個夏季,一起感受隨茶綻放的花香清采 𖧷
Experience the Delicate Floral Aroma Blossoming with the Oolong Tea.
As the seventh summer of brand establishment , Guiji and Gogoro JEGO are launching new summer products!

⧁ JEGO Blooming Oolong Tea
⧁ JEGO Peach Oolong Tea
⧁ JEGO Pineapple Four Season Tea


自成立來,我們沒有做過多的行銷廣宣,龜記靠的是大眾口傳與口碑穩固持續的發展茁壯。 龜記知道並懂得感恩與回饋,同時也深刻的感知如今的成就並不是龜記有萬夫莫敵的獨特技藝。
Since our founding, there hasn't been much marketing and advertising for Guiji. We have been steadily growing through word-of-mouth reputation. Guiji is grateful and believes in giving back, understanding that the achievement is not based on our unparalleledly unique skills.



龜記知道並懂得感恩與回饋,同時也深刻的感知如今的成就並不是龜記有萬夫莫敵的獨特技藝, 而是靠著這些台灣當地具有匠心的職人們。
Guiji is grateful and believes in giving back, understanding that our achievements are not based on our unparalleledly unique skills, but on the ingenuity of these Taiwanese craftsmen.

龜記的用心與核心競爭能力不只在技術研發面,另一個著重點專注於持續的找尋在地許多默默用心耕耘製作原物料的職人們。這些優質的原物料經過龜記反覆的測試與品鑑後, 最終製成優質飲品服務給消費者。
Guiji’s diligence and core competence
are rooted not only in the aspect of skills but also in collaboration with many local craftsmen who work silently and diligently to produce raw materials. These high-quality raw materials undergo repeated testing and monitoring before being transformed into exquisite beverages to serve our consumers.


we want them to sense and experience the diligence we put into using the ingredients.